Preparing for National Novel Writing Month. (pt2)

In two weeks I will be joining the annual frenzy of clacking keys. Now for the tricky part, settling on a plot.
Is this something you need now?
Maybe not, and often I've taken the plunge with not much of an idea of where my characters were going to go, or even who they were. Sadly that often led to my downfall. So this year I want at least a vague idea of who and what my characters are. So far I have a coffee shop owner, a dragon, a redheaded fae, and an herbalist. I just need the killer and I'll feel more confident about starting my NaNo project.
Can my workload handle this?
To be honest... I'm not sure. But I'm willing to give it a try. Not only will I be madly typing away on my computer, but I'll also be conducting interviews and doing reviews on The Cozy Sleuth. Plus I'll also be doing final edits on the second book in my Mystic Ranch Mysteries Series. Not to mention a weekly update here on The Cozy Sleuth Blog. Hopefully I won't have completely lost my mind by the end of the month. That's all I have for today. Have a great day and keep cozy.
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